Timesheet User Value 1 (custom lookup) data is NULL in DWH Table DWH_TME_ENTRY_LN
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Timesheet User Value 1 (custom lookup) data is NULL in DWH Table DWH_TME_ENTRY_LN


Article ID: 241571


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We have created the custom User Lov 1 lookup as per the KB https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/22205/userdefined-lookup-with-time-entry-user.html however the data is still not in the DWH.


This is caused due to incorrect references of the lookup in DWH_TIMEENTRY_V on PPM Database.


  • Navigate to Administration -> Timesheet Options.
  • Change the Lookup for User Value 1 to the default lookup and Save.
  • After the save is complete, revert the change to the custom Lookup and Save.
  • Validate the data by running a query against DWH_TIMEENTRY_V on PPM database.
    Ex :- select user_value1_caption from dwh_timeentry_v