Protection engine service fails to start with "Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon Failure."
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Protection engine service fails to start with "Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon Failure."


Article ID: 241543


Updated On:


Protection Engine for NAS


Symantec protection engine (SPE) service fails to start with "Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon Failure."

The issue may be observed after an upgrade, refer: About retaining the service account when you upgrade to version 8.2.1


SPE Version : 8.2.1

Java Version : JRE 1.8 8u321


Possible causes are:

  • The right to log on as a service is revoked for the Service account used to launch SPE service
  • Incorrect password used
  • Password corrupt


If the right to log on as a service is revoked for the specified user account, restore the right by performing the following steps:

  • Start the Local Security Settings MMC snap-in (secpol.msc)
  • Expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.
  • In the right pane, right-click Log on as a service, and then click Security.
  • Add the user to the policy, and then click OK.
  • Close the Local Security Settings MMC snap-in.
  • Start the SPE service.

If it still fails, check the credentials if entered correct or check for any access limitation with AD admin.

Additional Information

Changing the Service Logon Account Information