LDAP Configuration Page Error: SPC-OCA-10531: Input Error: Invalid value for Connection Name
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LDAP Configuration Page Error: SPC-OCA-10531: Input Error: Invalid value for Connection Name


Article ID: 241498


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After upgrading to Spectrum 21.2.8 while attempting to change "Connection Name" in the  LDAP Configuration page on the OneClick server with the following string:

CN=Service\, CA_Admin,OU=Service Accounts,OU=OKTA,OU=People,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx

Thefollowing error is seen. SPC-OCA-10531: Input Error: Invalid value for Connection Name error is seen while trying to save the configuration. 


Release : 21.2.8, 21.2.10

Component : Spectrum OneClick


We have made changes to LDAP configuration validation code as a part of “US783420 - 3.06 Req 13 The web application must validate all data that is transferred by a client on the server-side” in


  1. Open $SPECROOT/custom/validator/ServerConfigValidation.properties file
  2. Change connection name pattern from connectionNamePattern=^[a-zA-Z-0-9,=_\\- ]+$ to connectionNamePattern=^[a-zA-Z-0-9,=_\\-\\\\ ]+$
  3. In the above updated regEx, we have included backslash(\) in connection name regEx.
  4. Restart Spectrum tomcat
  5. Follow the similar procedure to customize any other values and regular expressions mentioned in the properties file.

Additional Information

If the regex pattern in Step 2 does not resolve the issue copy your connection name pattern into a regex tester and find a regex that matches based on the above guidance.
