Using DBEC and DBOC to change the Datacom CICS users value
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Using DBEC and DBOC to change the Datacom CICS users value


Article ID: 241468


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Datacom Datacom/DB


When reviewing the DBOC INQ=USERS report in a CICS region, it may be necessary to increase the number of user threads available to improve performance.

This change can be made without recycling the region, through a simple set of commands.




The process to change the number of user threads available in a CICS region is quite simple with these transactions:

  1. DBEC P,DIS,MUF(?) - this will disconnect the region from up to 9 connected MUFs
  2. DBOC GENOPTS, then change the NUMBER OF USERS value
  3. DBEC P,CON,MUF(?) - this will reconnect the region to those MUFs again.

If you are not using MRO to connect different regions, there is no worry about these commands affecting any other regions, as you are performing the command only in the region where you are logged in. 

As an alternative, you could issue the DBEC commands against the desired CICS region from the console, using a command like


This will result in the URT information that you see in the DBOCPRT file being displayed in the CICS Joblog. For example, here is the output of the above Disconnect command:

08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DBEC DISCONNECT=0?                                                      
08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DC00169I  URT 0002 NOW CLOSED                                           
08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DC00169I  URT 0003 NOW CLOSED                                           
08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DC00169I  URT 0020 NOW CLOSED                                           
08.48.16 JOB09987  +DLV1M151:LV1151BG:DB00136I - DISCONNECT DLV1M151          LV1151BG JOB09822 CA11     M-15.1 I-15.1 0001  
08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DC00178I  MUF DBSIDPR  NOW DISCONNECTED                                 
08.48.16 JOB09987  +05/11/22 08:48:16 DB: CJCL     - DC00380I  TRANSACTION COMPLETED.                                        
08.48.16 JOB09987  +                                                                                                         
08.48.16 JOB09987  +DC01016I MUF(..) MUFNAME(........) JOB(........) SID(........)                                           

Note that while this might be helpful in running the Disconnect and Connect functions, it cannot be used for the DBOC GENOPTS.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.