Altiris Agents on MacOS 12.3 not reporting inventory
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Altiris Agents on MacOS 12.3 not reporting inventory


Article ID: 241388


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Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


All MacOS 12.3 are failing to run inventory and do not show the Sym Agent versions in the SMP console.  All other versions of MacOS are working fine when running the Delta Inventory tasks.

The task shows the following failure in the SMP Console:

Status: Failed
Return code: -2111635346

An unknown exception was thrown on server side
Failed to find the task handler

The Mac's aex-client.log showed the following errors:

INFO 2022-05-05 10:15:21.495       299  123145332514816  MachineID > sPrimaryUser(System Administrator) = sUser (root)
INFO 2022-05-05 10:15:21.495       299  123145332514816  MachineID > break
INFO 2022-05-05 10:15:21.505       299  123145332514816  PolicyManager > Msg: SendBasicInventory: Sent Basic Inventory.
WARN 2022-05-05 10:22:56.575       299  123145328173056  CTA-ExecThread > Failed to open connection to the task handler 'Altiris.InventoryAgent': 2147483742, Invalid argument
WARN 2022-05-05 10:22:56.577       299  123145330069504  CTA-ExecEngine > Task instance {1E4424E2-DA8D-4E40-A674-2F92226D5369} execution failed - could not open task handler.
INFO 2022-05-05 10:22:56.583       299  123145330069504  CTA-ExecEngine > void ClientTaskAgent::(anonymous namespace)::AExecEngineImpl::PostExecStatus(ClientTaskAgent::AExecResult &)


ITMS 8.6 RU2


Confirmed that CEM (Cloud-Enabled Management) is being used and the CEM Agent Installation Package had become corrupted and the corrupted package had only be used on MacOS 12.3 machines


Re-created the CEM Agent Installation Package in the SMP Console found under:

Settings > Notification Server > Cloud-enabled Management > Setup > Cloud-enabled Management Setup > Symantec Management Agent Configuration tab



For Linux systems, prior to ITMS 8.7.1 release, you will need to use the regular Agent Install package for Linux:


With ITMS 8.7.1 Release, now you can create a CEM installation package:

As an adminsitrator, you can create a standalone Cloud Enabled Management (CEM) installation package for Linux computers, so that you can manually install the Symantec Management Agent and Cloud Enabled Management policy on such computers.There are two new standalone CEM agent installation packages for Linux, one for Linux distributions that use RPM packages and another for Ubuntu (which uses .DEB packages).
You can distribute these standalone packages either using email, or downloaded from a server or externally accessible file share hosted by your organization.  These methods allow you to manually install the Symantec Management Agent and Cloud Enabled Management policy on Linux computers when they are not connected to your organization’s network directly or via VPN.
After installing the Symantec Management Agent and Cloud Enabled Management policy, you can manage computers over the Internet without having them connect to your organization’s network.  The standalone CEM installation packages lets you configure Linux computers to be managed by ITMS without connecting to your network, and you can then manage those computers without connecting to your network.