Find Out Who Created and Deleted View
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Find Out Who Created and Deleted View


Article ID: 241305


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Clarity PPM On Premise


A user created a view on the in the Modern and shared it.
The view became missing/deleted. Who deleted it and when?



All Versions of Clarity


There are 2 methods to find out who deleted the view.

Method 1 - Review the APP ACCESS logs

1. Find out the view number or view name.
2. Find the occurrences of the number/name associated with the 'DELETE' command.

If it does not show up, check all other servers (if more than one Clarity server exists).

Once a view is deleted by a user, it cannot be retrieved.
It can be recreated by the user.

The following table can be used to at least keep a record that the view existed. A suggestion is to make a backup of the table as history and reference.
select * from ODF_UI_VIEWS

3. Once the line is found, the session ID is  used to identify the username associated with the user.

Method 2 - Use Query

1. After the job(Tomcat access log import/analyze) runs, the following query can be used to find out deleted the view.

a.start_time, a.finish_time, a.elapsed_time, a.created_date tomcatjobprocessed,
a.log_date, a.action_method, a.browser_status, a.url_action, a.service_name,
a.host_name, SUBSTR(a.session_cookie, 1, 7)
from log_details a
where (
(a.action_method = 'DELETE'
--and a.url_action like '%view%5xxxxxx%')
or (a.action_method = 'GET'
--and a.url_action like '%view%aaabbb%')
order by start_time desc

where 5xxxxxx is the number of the view, obtained from the URL
and aaabbb is the name of the view.