Rolling back deployed services with gradle gateway Policy plugin
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Rolling back deployed services with gradle gateway Policy plugin


Article ID: 241203


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CA API Gateway


I have been trying a number of scenarios using the delete.bundle file to build rollback functionality in to our CA deployment pipeline.

What I have found is that I am only able to delete services in their entirety and there does not seem to be a way to rollback the deployment of an existing service (with changes).

Is this correct?

Does the policy plugin provide any way to rollback version changes for a service?


Release : 10.0

Component : API GATEWAY


This is the expected behavior.

If your deployment pipeline is built based on Policy-as-a-Code approach and Policy Plugin, then rollback of Nth version of GW service means re-deploying N-1 version of this service.

This refer to the versions in your version control system where the policies are stored.