TDM Portal Masking fails with Parm 2 value greater than number of seed columns error
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TDM Portal Masking fails with Parm 2 value greater than number of seed columns error


Article ID: 241197


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Unable to run executing the masking in TDM Portal and getting an error as below

SUBSET.SYSADM: parm 2 value greater than number of seed columns

But if download the same files and run it directly in FDM then it is working fine. Do not understand why the error is thrown since the table containing the seed data has 9 columns defined.


Release : 4.10

Component : Web Portal - Data Masking


After reviewing the configuration, and more specifically the masking options, noticed that the SEEDTABLECOLUMNS = rd_ref_id,rd_ref_value therefore Portal only uses these two columns and ignores all others. Thus, the error, since 4 > 2. If the column is not listed in SEEDTABLECOLUMNS option, then such column doesn't exist for Portal/FDM (and is not counted).


To correct this set the Portal masking options; SEEDTABLECOLUMNS=rd_ref_id,rd_ref_value,rd_ref_value_2,rd_ref_value_3,rd_ref_value_4,rd_ref_value_5,rd_ref_value_6,rd_ref_value_7,rd_ref_value_8,rd_ref_value_9

This should correct the issue. If there are similar issues in the future, a good troubleshooting tip is to compare the FDM Masking options, since FDM is able to successfully run the job, to the Portal Masking options to find the difference.


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