Validation failed on Database server: Internal Server Error, please check the fields and try again later.
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Validation failed on Database server: Internal Server Error, please check the fields and try again later.


Article ID: 241188


Updated On:


Automation Analytics & Intelligence


When configuring the Insight Reporting server, the error below is seen when attempting to save the the AAI Database connection details.


Validation failed on Database server: Internal Server Error, please check the fields and try again later.


jaws.log shows:

     ERROR [DatabaseConnection] Unable to connect: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call, connect lapse 0 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.


Release : 6.4.2-2

Component : Insight Reporting Server


The AAI Database port needs to be open between the Insight Server and the AAI database server.


If you log directly into the http://insightServer:8080/jasperserver-pro website, there are two Data Sources, one for the JAWS API and one for the JAWS DB.

Username: superuser

Password: TermaPassword


If you right click and Edit the AAI DB Data Sourceis an option to test from there was well, which would indication the port needs to be open.



After the port is opened, please restart the two jasperserver* services on the insight server and the AAI service on the AAI server before attempting the reporting server configuration again.


Additional Information

This can also occur if the initial database details that were entered were wrong and you try to correct them.

If this occurs make sure to restart AAI and Insight before attempting to correct the DB credentials.