How turn a local user to remote and local?
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How turn a local user to remote and local?


Article ID: 241122


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CA Workload Automation DE


My users can be local, remote and remote and local. How change a local user as remote and local?



Release : 12.3

Component : Workload Automation DE 


When a user defined on the CA Workload Automation DE server with the Local only authentication mode has the same identifier as a user defined on the LDAP server, you can link the local user to the LDAP server by using the following steps:

1. Connect to the server as an administrator using CA WA Desktop Client.

2. Open the Admin perspective.

3. Right-click Security in the Admin view, and select Open from the pop-up menu. The Security view opens.

4. Right-click the local user that you want to link to the LDAP server, and select Link Users to Authentication Systems from the pop-up menu. The Link User to Authentication System dialog opens.

5. Select the Use remote and local authentication option button to change the authentication mode of the user to Remote and Local.

You can consult the following documentation page for more information :