The user does not have access to the root password but they can "sudo su" to the root user without the password. Therefore, they are using the "distinst" install method outlined in knowledge article "How to install Spectrum on Linux with no root password or sudo" to run the following install:
./distinst install_dir=/opt/netops/Spectrum install_owner=spectrum vcd_path=/opt/repo/21.2.10/linux/.. main_loc_serv=MLSServer remote_host=spechost locale=en_US install_type=full exclude_parts=SA-RPT-MGR huge_landscape_handle=yes l_handle=64 ss_install=yes oc_install=yes tomcat_port=8080 xtn_install=yes test_only=no
The install run for a few seconds and then go back to the command line with no install output written to the screen or to a log file.
Release : 21.2.x
a) The root cause for this particular issue was another program running on the system using http port 8080 preventing the Spectrum install from using http port 8080.
# netstat -anop | grep 8080
b) SRAdmin glitch
# netstat -anop | grep 46517
# telnet <hostname> 46517 (always supply the hostname, not IP address or localhost)
# nc -z -v <hostname> 46517 (always supply the hostname, not IP address or localhost)
c) Spectrum Install Owner account was not created yet
# su - spectrum
d) test_only=yes in the distinst command line.
a) Stopped the application running on the system that was using http port 8080, verified http port 8080 was no longer being used and ran the distinst of Spectrum installation successfully.
b) Stop SRAdmin and reinstall it.
# systemctl stop sradmin
# /tmp/Spectrum_22.2.x/sdic/linux/srainstall.bin -i silent
c) Create the Spectrum Install Owner account
# adduser spectrum
d) Removed the test_only=yes option from the distinst command line.
Export the IATEMPDIR variable if /tmp has no exec.
# export IATEMPDIR=/CA/tmp
Try stopping the SRAdmin, then run distinst. Then start SRAdmin and run distinst.