Converting an Idea to a Project in MUX, it increments the Finish date by 1 day
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Converting an Idea to a Project in MUX, it increments the Finish date by 1 day


Article ID: 241033


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When converting an Idea to a Project in Modern UX, and specifying a working day, the new Project's Finish Date is incremented by one working day. The same action in Classic UI respects the dates. 

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an idea in Classic UI
    • Start date: 02/05/22 (dd/mm/yy) 
    • Finish Date 05/05/22 (dd/mm/yy) 
  2. Submit the idea for approval and Approve it 
  3. Convert the idea to a project 
  4. Note the resulting dates of the project created
    • They match the idea dates
  5. Move to the Modern UX 
  6. Select the same idea and Convert it to a project 
    • Note there is a pop-up with idea default dates displayed 
  7. Leave the default dates or change them to any other ones
    • Note the dates on the screen 

Expected Results: The project dates to be the default idea dates or the ones set when converting the idea to a project. 
Actual Results: The start date is OK. The finish dates has been incremented by a day to 06/05/22 (dd/mm/yy). 


Release: 16.0.1, 16.0.2 



Workaround: Manually reset the Finish Date after creating the new Project.  


Targeted Fix in Release 16.0.3