ERROR: "#XCOMN0469E The XCOMD CA XCOM Data Transport Scheduler Service is not running or not compatible" ping
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ERROR: "#XCOMN0469E The XCOMD CA XCOM Data Transport Scheduler Service is not running or not compatible" ping


Article ID: 241000


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows


After upgrade from R11.6 SP02 to the base XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP03 (r11.6 20035 SP03 64bit)

"xcomtcp - ping" commands to loopback address for both unsecure and secure ports show this message in xcom.log file:
#XCOMN0469E The XCOMD CA XCOM Data Transport Scheduler Service is not running or not compatible.


2022/05/02 18:30:41 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=2736 IP= PORT=8044
    XCOMN0785I Starting TCP/IP Connection.

2022/05/02 18:30:41 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=2736 IP= PORT=8044
    XCOMN0786I TCP/IP Connection Established.

2022/05/02 18:30:41 TID=REMOTE PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9372 IP=
    XCOMN0793I Remote TCP/IP Connection Established.

2022/05/02 18:30:41  PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9372
    #XCOMN0469E The XCOMD CA XCOM Data Transport Scheduler Service is not running or not compatible.

2022/05/02 18:30:41 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9372 IP=
    XCOMN0805I TCP/IP Connection Ended.

2022/05/02 18:30:41 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=2736 IP=xcom
    XCOMN0805I TCP/IP Connection Ended.

2022/05/02 18:30:43 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9772 IP= PORT=8045
    XCOMN0811I Starting Secure TCP/IP Connection.

2022/05/02 18:30:43 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9772 IP= PORT=8045
    XCOMN0813I Secure TCP/IP Connection Requested.

2022/05/02 18:30:43 TID=REMOTE PRG=XCOMTCP PID=7288 IP=
    XCOMN0812I Remote Secure TCP/IP Connection Requested.

2022/05/02 18:30:43 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=9772 IP= PORT=8045
    XCOMN0814I Secure TCP/IP Handshake Complete.

2022/05/02 18:30:43  PRG=XCOMTCP PID=7288
    #XCOMN0469E The XCOMD CA XCOM Data Transport Scheduler Service is not running or not compatible.

2022/05/02 18:30:43 TID= PRG=XCOMTCP PID=7288 IP=
  XCOMN0818I Secure TCP/IP Connection Ended.


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 11.6 SP02, SP03


XCOM Support tested the same "xcomtcp -ping" commands on 2 different base r11.6 20035 SP03 installations and did not see the problem.

If the XCOM service process xcomd.exe had stopped abnormally then the log file should not be recording any more messages.
If support deliberately stops the xcomd.exe process from the Windows Task Manager, the listener process caxgsvr.exe remains running and thus handles the "xcomtcp -ping" command TCP/IP connection but returns the same XCOMN0469E error to the command line. However as expected no messages are added to the xcom.log file.
XCOM Engineering could only recreate similar error if there were some mixed XCOM version binaries involved.

A complete clean-up/uninstall of previous R11.6 SP02 install was done including removal of the XCOM directory structure & cleanup of XCOM registry entries.
After a new base install of 11.6 SP03 the problem did not re-occur.

Additional Information

XCOM cleanup utilities can be accessed using Broadcom Support Portal credentials.
NOTE: After portal login that link may not always load correctly and may need to be entered again in the address bar to see the files: