Increased disk usage on the Virtual Appliance
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Increased disk usage on the Virtual Appliance


Article ID: 240863


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


The Virtual Appliance disk size suddenly was totally used.


Virtual Appliance 14.x


Both ".xxx.swo" and ".xxx.swp" files are generated by etautil command.

You can run the "cat <.xxx.swo>" to check the file content.


To check if there are hidden files in the Provisioning Server folder do the following:

1. Run "su - imps"

2. Run the "du -l" command to check the size of each folder under the /ProvisioningServer folder

3. Check the size of the "./bin" folder

4. If it has more than 13M go to the bin folder, "cd bin"

5. Run the "ls -lah" command to list hidden files and its size

6. Check if there are .swp or .swo files

7. If the files exist, you can delete them by running "rm .xxx.swp" 


Additional Information

Please, also check the size of each Virtual Appliance folder under the path


Delete unnecessary log files to reclaim disk space.