Unexpected error on server [Cannot publish process
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Unexpected error on server [Cannot publish process


Article ID: 240849


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)


While attempting to publish a process it returns an error: 

Unexpected error on server [Cannot publish process. There are running Releases with the latest published version of this process. For more details refer to server logs.]. Please refer to server logs with timestamp [2022-04-27 14:59:00].



Release :  CA Release Automation 6.7.0.b398

Component : Nolio Management Server


The process is being used someplace. 


If the steps do not help resolve the problem with publishing the process, please open an issue with technical support. 


There are four possible executing objects in the systems. 

  1. Releases
  2. Processes
  3. Scheduled Jobs
  4. Test Run


  • Checking Active Releases
    1. Navigate to JMX URL http://<DMS-Hostname/IP>:20203/mbean?objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo and enter JMX login details.
    2. Invoke method getAllActiveReleases it will list down all active releases. 
      Note: Active releases may not directly correlate to why the Process you're attempting to publish is having an error. The next step is not required, but it is provided in case you know that release is using the process you are trying to publish.
    3. In case you find a release that uses the process you are trying to Publish, either stop them via Release Operation Center UI or you can invoke method removeRelease passing the release-id from URL in step-1.

  • Checking Active Processes
    1. Navigate to JMX URL http://<DMS-Hostname/IP>:20203/mbean?objectname=noliocenter%3Atype%3Dinfo and enter JMX login details.
    2. Invoke method listActiveRuns it will list down all active process runs. The desired result is to not find any active processes for the process being republished.
    3. If there are no active run you can skip this step. In case you do have some active runs/processes, you can either remove them all by invoking method removeAllActiveRuns or you can remove them in one-by-one by invoking removeProcessRuns passing process-id’s. These both methods can be accessed navigating to URL in step 1.

  • Checking Scheduled Jobs
    1. Navigate to JMX URL http://<DMS-Hostname/IP>:20203/mbean?objectname=noliocenter%3Atype%3Dinfo and enter JMX login details.
    2. If there are any scheduled jobs you will get list of jobs with three column information  i.e. ID, NAME,ENABLED. If any of the scheduled jobs involve the Process in question then you can temporarily disable these schedules from RA.
    3. If you want to remove scheduled job which you think will fall under method removeScheduledJobs passing scheduled-id captured in step 2. This methods can be accessed navigating to URL in step 1.

  • Removing Test Runs
    1. Navigate to JMX URL http://<DMS-Hostname/IP>:20203/mbean?objectname=noliocenter%3Atype%3Dinfo and enter JMX login details.Removing Test Runs
    2. Invoke method removeTestRuns it will remove any test runs in the system. Test runs are one which we invoke by executing test on process/actions.