What is the command line to start, stop and restart nimbus on Solaris 10
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What is the command line to start, stop and restart nimbus on Solaris 10


Article ID: 240756


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The command lines to start, stop and restart the robot described in the documentation for Solaris don't seem to work on Solaris 10 box.

Under /etc/init.d path there is no nimbus, but just a nimbus_boot.

Should that be used?


Release : 20.3

Component : UIM - ROBOT_SOL


The command lines to start, stop and restart the nimbus process on Solaris 10 are:

1. Start: /etc/init.d/nimbus_boot start

2. Stop: /etc/init.d/nimbus_boot stop

3. Restart: /etc/init.d/nimbus_boot restart

To check whether the process is running or not, you can use next command line:

4. Status: ps -fe | grep -i nimsoft

For example:

bash-3.2# ps -fe | grep -i nimsoft
    root   857     1   0 13:04:19 ?           0:00 ./nimbus /opt/nimsoft
    root   898   880   0 13:11:15 pts/2       0:00 grep -i nimsoft

Additional Information

Start, Stop, or Uninstall a Robot (Command Line) - Solaris