Data sets hlq.CDBAFORM, hlq.CDBACICS and hlq.CDBAIMS were not allocated during install of Database Management tools
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Data sets hlq.CDBAFORM, hlq.CDBACICS and hlq.CDBAIMS were not allocated during install of Database Management tools


Article ID: 240738


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In a previous installation of Database Management Solution for Db2 release r20, the following data sets were allocated:

But now, in the last three installs those data sets were not allocated, however several CARS levels have been applied without problem.


Previously the base install was done with the Pax File method, with the Pax File method all dat sets are allocated with the hlq.SAMPJCL(DBM00ALL) Job. 
With the Chorus Software Manager (CSM) method the dat sets are allocated depending on the FMID's installed.    
The FMID's that allocate those data sets are: 
hlq.CDBACICS and hlq.CDBAFORM data sets are defined for the CPRFK01 FMID.
hlq.CDBAIMS data set is defined for the CPRFK02 FMID. 

In the CSM method the FMID's CPRFK01 and CPRFK02 can only be installed with 'Select Installation Type': Custom Installation 
CA Report Facility for CICS (CPRFK01)
CA Report Facility for IMS (CPRFK02)
If the CSM install is run with 'Select Installation Type': Full Install CA Database Mgmt to run a complete install similar to the Pax File method,
then only the CA Report Facility for TSO (FMID 'CPRFK00) product is installed, so the data sets hlq.CDBACICS, hlq.CDBAIMS and hlq.CDBAFORM
are not allocated.