Compatibility IBM z16 platform and Smart Jobstream Series products.
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Compatibility IBM z16 platform and Smart Jobstream Series products.


Article ID: 240653


Updated On:


Smart Restart Smart RRSAF


Compatibility of Smart Jobstream Series (Smart/RRSAF and Smart/RESTART) with IBM z16 platform.


Release : 12.1.2
Component : Smart/Restart


Smart Jobstream Series release 20.0 has been installed and certified on IBM z16 with no problems found. 
Do not expect any problems related to IBM z16 with Smart Jobstream Series release 12.1.2 but encourage
sites to upgrade to Smart Jobstream Series release 20.0.

Please be aware of the following End of Service and General Availability Announcements:

End of Service Announcement for Smart/RESTART and Smart/RRSAF v12.1.2

Smart/RESTART and Smart/RRSAF v20.0 General Availability Announcement