STAFFING PLAN Workspace: Known Issues using FLS on Resource Object fields
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STAFFING PLAN Workspace: Known Issues using FLS on Resource Object fields


Article ID: 240648


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Field-Level Security is enabled on the Resource Object in Release 16.0.2
This provides a list of issues on the STAFFING PLAN Workspace when securing stock Resource Object fields.






Release: 16.0.2 and higher 

Impacts the Telescopic Staffing Plan Workspace. 




Note: Sustaining Engineering has determined that we will not fix these issues. You should instead use the Staffing Workspace: "Staff Grid" or "Allocations Timeline" if you want to secure any of the identified Resource fields. 

Field-Level Security is enabled on the Resource Object in Release 16.0.2
This provides a list of issues on the STAFFING PLAN Workspace when securing stock Resource Object fields.
We have decided to not fix these specific issues as this module will be deprecated according to a scheduled announcement in the future. 

If customers still use this Workspace, and secure some of the Resource Fields they will encounter the issues described below. 

We recommend using the new STAFFING Workspace with the Staff Grid and Allocations Timeline.
NOTE: If the Administrator makes any Label Changes or Tooltips through the Modern UX, Administration, Attributes grid for the Resource Object, there will be NO impact to the labels on the STAFFING PLAN Workspace. 


Attributes that cannot be secured:

The following stock RESOURCE Object fields are blacklisted and therefore, the user won't have the ability to 'secure' these fields:

  • Full Name 
  • Resource ID 
  • Is Role 
  • Is Team 
  • Primary Role
  • TSV Fields: Resource Remaining Availability, Resource Total Allocation, Availability  


The following fields are used on the STAFFING PLAN Workspace and can be secured through the FLS Attributes grid: 

  • First Name  
  • Last Name 
  • Resource Manager  
  • Employment Type 
  • Input Type Code 
  • Active 

Impact of securing the fields:

Go to the Staffing Plan Workspace, Resources to Investments (R-I) view.  Double-click on the name of a resource to view the flyout showing the resource properties.  

  • First Name / Last Name: This is a display-only field in the fly-out and it hides the First and/or Last name when the field is secured. You will still see the avatar in the fly-out and the full name of the person in the grid. 
  • Primary Role: No impact. This field cannot be secured. 
  • Resource Manager:  This is a display only field and it hides the name of the manager when the field is secured. 
  • Employment Type: The saved value is hidden, the field acts like it is editable and you can see a list of values, but a toast message appears if you try to select a value. 
  • Input Type Code: The saved value is hidden, the field acts like it is editable and you can see a list of values, but a toast message appears if you try to select a value. 
  • Forecast Rate: No impact. This field cannot be secured. 
  • Active: Because this is a checkbox, if the Resource is Active, and the field is secured, the box will be empty.  It is not showing the saved value to indicate the resource is active.  The field does not allow you to edit it. 

Resource 'Availability Rate' Field:

  • The daily 'Availability Rate' field is hidden from the Resources, Roles and inside the Defined Team list of Resources generic grid column configuration as it impacts the performance of these grids. 
  • The end-user can still access this field by configuring it in the Details Fly-out to review the data for a specific record. 
  • If the Administrator wants to secure this field, it can be secured through the Administration, Attributes FLS grid which will impact the use of the field in the Details Fly-out.