How to find duplicate snmp engine IDs in Spectrum?
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How to find duplicate snmp engine IDs in Spectrum?


Article ID: 240617


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


How to find duplicate snmp engine IDs in Spectrum?


Release : 21.2

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


In Spectrum there are 2 ways that I can think of doing this.


  1. Dump the V3 Cache and review the vnm.out:
    1. cd $SPECROOT/vnmsh
    2. ./connect
    3. ./update action=0x10331 mh=<landscape handle>
    4. Output goes to VNM.OUT
    5. Looks similar to this:


-------------------ENGINE ID DATA -------------------------------------------


Engine ID: 80:00:00:09:03:00:5c:71:0d:b3:6f:00 (10.x.x.x) - Engine BOOT:10; Engine TIME:9498016; Last Updated Time:1651150044

Engine ID: 80:00:00:09:03:00:5c:71:0d:b3:6f:00 (10.x.x.2) - Engine BOOT:10; Engine TIME:9498157; Last Updated Time:1651150185

Engine ID: 80:00:00:09:03:a0:93:51:c0:ca:b2 (10.x.x.x) - Engine BOOT:0; Engine TIME:0; Last Updated Time:1651150273

Engine ID: 80:00:1f:88:80:3c:3a:99:5d:53:d7:cf:5f:00:00:00:00 (10.x.x.x) - Engine BOOT:3; Engine TIME:22816165; Last Updated Time:1651150081

Engine ID: 80:00:00:09:03:18:80:90:23:98:42 (10.1.x.x.) - Engine BOOT:0; Engine TIME:0; Last Updated Time:1651150091

Engine ID: 80:00:01:37:03:18:5a:58:53:f4:21 (10.52.x.x) - Engine BOOT:3; Engine TIME:9960481; Last Updated Time:1651150055

Engine ID: fa:16:3e:12:7a:ae ( - Engine BOOT:1651149779; Engine TIME:0; Last Updated Time:1651149779


2. The other method would be to add the snmpEngineID attribute to the locator tab as a column. You could filter on that column and see the duplicates that way.


This is likely the cleanest option. We do not want to leave it there since its an external attribute read, but doing it once or twice so you can get your duplicates is not bad.


Here is the XML you need to create in the above KBs location:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<table idref="table-searchresults-config">











I just tested it out here on another customers SSdb that has v3 devices: