Installation Media for DCS 6.9.2 is missing the Solaris 11 and AIX agent installer
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Installation Media for DCS 6.9.2 is missing the Solaris 11 and AIX agent installer


Article ID: 240602


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced Data Center Security Server Data Center Security Monitoring Edition


DCS 6.9.2 does not include the Solaris 11 and AIX Agent in the DCS 6.9.2 .ISO file


Data Center Security (DCS)
Release : 6.9.2

Component : AIX Agent, Solaris 11 Agent


Are these OS's supported:
Yes, AIX and Solaris support are provided using the 6.9.0 version of the Data Center Security: Server Advanced agent.

What version should I use: 
Customers should continue to the DCS 6.9.0.x agent for AIX and Solaris. 

Where are the legacy Agents and these AIX and Solaris Agents:
These Agents, as well as all Legacy Agents, are available in the DCS 6.9.1 ISO. 
Filename: Symantec_Data_Center_Security_Server_Advanced_6.9.1_ML.iso
Download Location: Download DCS AIX & Solaris Agent