DCS 6.9.2 does not include the Solaris 11 and AIX Agent in the DCS 6.9.2 .ISO file
Data Center Security (DCS)
Release : 6.9.2
Component : AIX Agent, Solaris 11 Agent
Are these OS's supported:
Yes, AIX and Solaris support are provided using the 6.9.0 version of the Data Center Security: Server Advanced agent.
What version should I use:
Customers should continue to the DCS 6.9.0.x agent for AIX and Solaris.
Where are the legacy Agents and these AIX and Solaris Agents:
These Agents, as well as all Legacy Agents, are available in the DCS 6.9.1 ISO.
Filename: Symantec_Data_Center_Security_Server_Advanced_6.9.1_ML.iso
Download Location: Download DCS AIX & Solaris Agent