The job is shown as "Failed" on Monitor tab. But, when we check the service log it ran successfully.
From tracelog.txt;
20220429 08:01:49.455 [agent:afm] [INFO] DM.InputProcessor_84927: [2022-04-29_08:01:49.455] <-- 000010865619 000010865620 !!! true 20220429 08014721-0800 ESP_XXXXX-XXXX_7500 XX-XXX-X XXX_XX_XXX_XXX/XXX_XX_XX_XXX.180/MAIN State FAILED Cmpc(2) SetEnd JobLogId(18DE6BBCE1C2AD50802FD12C9F5065339BCA92C1) User(xxx) Host(xxx)
The completion code received is 2 that is the reason why the job is marked as failed.
You can define this as a success code in the job definition. This will mark the job as success.
For detailed information please refer to the product documentation.