Alert behavior helpful hints
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Alert behavior helpful hints


Article ID: 240537


Updated On:


Mainframe Operational Intelligence


MOI alerts occur when a metric value goes outside its normal Green Highway bands to provide warning to customers that a metric was not behaving normally. 

The implementation of the alarm suppression file feature which allows the customer to control alarms on alerts to fit their needs also impacted the alarming behavior of alerts. 

Helpful hints are contained in the Resolution section of this knowledge document. 


Release : 2.*



Helpful hints on alert behavior: 

     *  When the value of existing alert goes below minimum threshold, the alert still exists until the value goes back to the green zone. 


     *   Once an alert is opened, it will be closed only when the metric goes back to normal which means it goes into the common band or is manually closed by the customer. 


     *   Any MOI alert/alarm suppressions like minimum thresholds or alert suppression or MOI metric rules get applied only when creation/starting of an alert.  Once the alert is created it will only be closed when it becomes normal/goes back into common band or is manually closed by the customer.