Reports Marked As Private Are Showing Under Other User's Accounts.
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Reports Marked As Private Are Showing Under Other User's Accounts.


Article ID: 240420


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


Incident reports for a specific user that are marked as Private and are Not Shared are showing under other user's accounts or are not properly displaying under the intended user's account. 

For example:

A report was created as private and not shared under Account A. A separate report was created as private and not shared under Account B.   When trying to schedule the reports for automatic deletion created under Account B, the reports created under Account A are showing under Account B.


15.7 MP2 and below. 


This is a defect in the product in 15.7 and below. 


This is fixed in 15.8 and above. Unfortunately, this particular issue cannot be deployed in hotfix form and an upgrade is required to solve the issue.