When running an SDK Custom Agent in Java, the agent doesn't start and
it reports an error:
2022-04-18 14:41:32,635 24 [FATAL] - - 17ms SiteMinderAdapter
There is a missing configuration on the Tomcat instance. The error is
due to a missing path in the java.library.path.
Config property ... /opt/sdk/agent/conf
file name ... sdkagent.conf
file1 name ... truetrue
file1 name ... falsefalse
file name ... true...true
Config file '/opt/sdk/agent/conf/sdkagent.conf' loaded
FATAL ERROR: Exception from System.loadLibrary java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no smcommonutil in java.library.path
FATAL ERROR: Exception from AgentAPI.initialize() java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: netegrity.siteminder.javaagent.AgentAPI.initialize()V
- Configure Tomcat java.library.path to have the path to the expected
libsmcommonutil.so to solve this issue;
- Ensure also that Tomcat has access to all files defined in the