How to enable Proxy Access Policy under the Web VPM.
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How to enable Proxy Access Policy under the Web VPM.


Article ID: 240238


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


On proxy version 7.x, there is a new layer called Access Policy and an upgrade from version 6.x would require this to be enabled manually on the Web VPM.


Release : 7.x

Component : Policy


The Content Security need to applied under the Web Visual Policy Manager.

Below are the steps to configure the Content Security Layer or policy.

1. Go to Configuration > Policy > Visual Policy Manager and then click on the 

2. On the Web VPM, click on the "Launch VPM" button. I will open the Web VPM.

3. Then click on "Add Layer" > Click on Access Policy Layer > Then click on the "Add" button.


Then "Apply Policy".