Rally: Where is the Portfolio Kanban - Exit Policies data being stored
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Rally: Where is the Portfolio Kanban - Exit Policies data being stored


Article ID: 240210


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


We need to know where users have created custom exit policies on the portfolio kanban alternate field apps that we have published on pages in our workspace. We are using the Kanban app to allow teams to set WIP limits for their specific release trains, delivery streams, etc.

For each project in the workspace, we want to know what exists in the exit policies for each state. This app does not display the standard exit policies, and it does not 'cascade' policies that are entered in one project to projects below in the hierarchy. We are trying to determine which teams have added exit policies that differ from our standard policies.


Release : SAAS

Component :


For Portfolio Items  --> Exit Policy data is being stored at the "State" Field --> Description.

In order to fetch a description of the portfolio item that says = "Feature" then please follow the below steps.

  • Open WSAPI page - https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/doc/webservice/
  • Search For "State"
  • Now set Type =(TypeDef.Name = "Feature) --> check Both "Fetch Full Object" & "Json Output"
  • https://api-broadcom-ca.wolkenservicedesk.com/attachment/get_attachment_content?uniqueFileId=Ti2cRnRf/EkteuIaJQ94Gw==

  • Now users will be able to see all the descriptions of all the state fields inside the Subscription.