View - Content replicates for Two reports in View
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View - Content replicates for Two reports in View


Article ID: 240177


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We have two reports generated from one single job in CA View/Deliver.

Job name: ABCDEFGH 
Reports ID's: ABCDEFGH-24B and ABCDEFGH-42A

The content is different for both the reports, but when we split up the reports by Stores then the content seems to replicate from one of the reports.


Release : 14.0

Component : View


The ABCDEFGH-24B and ABCDEFGH-42A reports have different information because they are defined to match on different Report content criteria. 

The ABCDEFGH022863 and ABCDEFGH042863 reports, on the other hand, are defined to match on the same criteria:

                 Line        Column
Typ  R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text  
PAG Y EQ 5            1                 '2863'

With that, the reports would show to have the same content because they are created from whatever is the first report content that matches. 

For reports ABCDEFGH022863 and ABCDEFGH042863 to have different content, they need to have further defining criteria, such as:

                 Line        Column
Typ  R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text  
PAG Y EQ 2            1                  'ABCDEFGH-1'
AND Y EQ 5            1                  '2863'

                 Line        Column
Typ  R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text  
PAG Y EQ 2            1                 'ABCDEFGH-2'
AND Y EQ 5            1                 '2863'