Unable to login into Identity Manager post Java JDK 8 update 331
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Unable to login into Identity Manager post Java JDK 8 update 331


Article ID: 240169


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


We have installed the Java Version 8 latest update 331  and post that we are unable to open the IM Console, although im_jboss service is running fine , while accessing the IM Console URL it is showing a white screen / "This page can't be displayed"



Release : 14.3 CPx / 14.4 CPx

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


JBoss / Wildfly core integration with JDK 1.8.0_331


As per https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6953431 this is a known issue which Red Hat is currently investigating.

While a fix is planned for an official Red Hat release.

As a workaround, you may downgrade the JDK or add the following system property:


Additional Information

The same error would be visible when integrating an OOTB JBoss / Wildfly with JDK 1.8.0_331 and trying to access the application server management console post add-user procedure.