A Device is not entitled to download Policy Services Database. How to force a full policy services database download on ProxySG, ISG Proxy, or ASG appliance?
Release: 7.x
It is a backend licensing issue.
The policy services feature is available on all supported ProxySG appliances with a valid base license. It is available on SGOS 7.x. No additional subscription is required to use the policy services feature. Please check out the reference below for more information.
Ref: https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/symantec-security-software/web-and-network-security/proxysg/7-3/getting-started/page-help-administration/page-help-data-services/using-policy-services.html
To force a full download of the policy services database:
Important: Force the full update only as directed by the Support Engineer. Perform the update during off-hours to have minimal effect on the end-users.
In the CLI:
1. Disable policy services
ProxySG# config t
ProxySG#(config) policy-services
ProxySG#(config policy-services) disable
2. Purge the previous database and force a new database to download
ProxySG#(config policy-services) purge
ProxySG#(config policy-services) download get-now force
3. Enable policy services and view the status
ProxySG#(config policy-services) enable
ProxySG#(config policy-services) view
License Type: Subscription
Licensed Until: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 00:00:00 UTC
Service: Enabled
Download method: Direct
Last successful download:
Time: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:51:15 UTC
No download required. Subscription is up to date
Downloaded from: https://subscription.es.bluecoat.com/defaultpolicy/database
Version: 63433
However, if you still receive an error similar to the one below, please log into the support portal, go to "My Entitlements", and find the affected appliance by serial number. Click on the "Licenses" icon. In the licensing webpage that opens click on "Download License button" to generate a new license and trigger an update of the records in the back end. Wait one-hour letting backend systems replicate before trying to re-sync the local database again.
If the issue exists after applying the above steps, please contact technical support and provide the support engineer with the serial number and have the support engineer reach out to the backend licensing team for further investigation.
Warning: This feature is currently disabled. To use the data being downloaded, the feature will need to be enabled.
Time: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:56:56 UTC
% Device is not entitled to download Policy Services Database.
Download URL: https://subscription.es.bluecoat.com/defaultpolicy/database