I can't export from our gateway using policy plugin .
gradlew clean export -P env=src -D com.ca.apim.export.migratePortalIntegrationAssertions=false
> Task :export-bundle FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':export-bundle'.
> API Call (GET) to gateway returned status 404 for uri: https://<gatewayHostName>:443/restman//1.0/bundle?all=true&encryptSecrets=true&includeDependencies=true&encassAsPolicyDependency=true
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<l7:Error xmlns:l7="http://ns.l7tech.com/2010/04/gateway-management">
<l7:Link rel="self" uri="https://<gatewayHostName>:443/restman//1.0/bundle?all=true&encryptSecrets=true&includeDependencies=true&encassAsPolicyDependency=true"/>
<l7:Detail>HTTP 404 Not Found</l7:Detail>
Release : 10.1
Component : API GATEWAY
The client is using the connection url for the export as
url = 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx:443/restman'
This is also how it is documented and which works before plugin version 1.0.7.
Now this results in a API Call (GET) to gateway returned status 404 for uri: https:/<gatewayHostName>:443/restman//1.0/bundle?
changing the url to url = 'https://<gatewayHostName>' without the :443/restman works .