Cube processing failure: the provider 'SQLNCLI10' is not registered
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Cube processing failure: the provider 'SQLNCLI10' is not registered


Article ID: 240024


Updated On: 04-21-2022


IT Analytics


While running one or more cube processing jobs in IT Analytics (ITA), the job(s) fail and return the following error message:

Cube processing error. Possible causes include insufficient permissions to read Cubes Data Sources, external connection timeout on the Analysis Server or remote connections on SQL databases. Error: Errors in the back-end database access module. The provider 'SQLNCLI10' is not registered. The following system error occurred: Class not registered Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'ITAnalytics', Name of 'ITAnalytics'.

The error message will also include a reference to the dimension being processed.

Updating the database or data source impersonation information does not resolve this error.


Release : 2.9.1

Component : Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services


The Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 11.0 is not registered with the data source (i.e., the reference in the SSAS ITAnalytics database pointing to the ITAnalytics database hosted in the SQL Server database engine).


To register the SQL Server Native Client with the ITAnalytics data source, follow this procedure:

  1. Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), connect to the Analysis Services server hosting the IT Analytics cubes
  2. In Object Explorer, navigate to Databases > ITAnalytics > Data Sources
  3. Right-click the ITAnalytics data source and select Properties
  4. In the Data Source Properties - ITAnalytics window, edit the Connection String
  5. In the Connection Manager window, select Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 11.0 from the Provider drop-down menu
  6. Enter the hostname or IP address of the SQL Server instance hosting the ITAnalytics database
    Note: If the ITAnalytics database was installed on a named instance, provide the instance name with the hostname, separated by a backslash  (i.e., hostname\instance_name)
  7. Under Connect to a database, select the ITAnalytics database
  8. Click the Test Connection button to confirm the connection is functional
  9. Click the OK button to close the Connection Manager window
  10. Click the OK button to close the Data Source Properties - ITAnalytics window

Once the provider has been registered, the cube processing job should run without error.