How to save the configuration from the persistent data store to parmlib
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How to save the configuration from the persistent data store to parmlib


Article ID: 239933


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


Is there any way to save the configuration from the persistent data store to SYSVIEW parmlib? So in case a dynamic change is made in the configuration it's not lost if a COLD start is performed.


Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


In order to save the configuration from the data store, enter command DLLIST.   Then use the EXPORT line command to save the DataIDs that you want to a PDS.  We recommend first to test this by trying one of your own PDSs in order to see how it works.   Then use the EXPORT command to go to your SITE or USER parmlib dataset. It is recommended to verify if the members being exported are already in existence in that dataset prior to starting. 


Additional Information

Note: the information saved to the parmlib member will only show those values that are not the same as the default values.   Not every field will show up, and if one is missing from the parmlib it is understood that the default value is being used.