Error: Agent packaging failed due to insufficient disk space on the Enforce Server. Free up at least 3GB of disc space and begin the process again.
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Error: Agent packaging failed due to insufficient disk space on the Enforce Server. Free up at least 3GB of disc space and begin the process again.


Article ID: 239908


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent


A red bar error appears in the Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Enforce Console when trying to build a new Agent Package.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the Enforce Console, navigate to System > Agents > Agent Packaging
  2. Provide the required information on the page (Agent installer, Endpoint Server Host, uninstall password, tools password, etc).
  3. Error appears when you select "Generate Installer Packages".


Error seen in localhost.<date>.log:
SEVERE [] CSRF protection check failed! uri=/ProtectManager/enforce/admin/endpoint/agentpackage/createpackage, referrer=https://<domain>:8443/ProtectManager/enforce/admin/endpoint/agentpackage/package


Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15.8.x
RHEL 7.9


DLP uses a path defined in to build the agent.
This error will occur if there's not enough space in that directory. 


  1. On the Enforce Server, open
    Example: /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/15.8.0000/Protect/config/

  2. Search for "SSLkeystore.dir". 
    Example: SSLkeystore.dir = /var/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/15.8.0000/keystore

  3. Verify how much free space is available for that directory and allocate more as needed.

Additional Information

DO NOT change the path defined for "SSLkeystore.dir".