Modern Timesheets APISystemException:java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Error
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Modern Timesheets APISystemException:java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Error


Article ID: 239895


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Modern Timesheets APISystemException:java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Error when Navigating Open Timesheets

1. Login to Modern > Timesheets > Timesheets Grid page

2. Select any time period that is Open and click on Detail > Open Timesheet  > Click 'Go To Timesheet'

3. Scroll the 'My Timesheet' page carousel to an Open period

Actual Results: Error appears:
Expected Results: There should not be an error, even though functionality is not affected


Additonal error messages that can be seen in the APP logs:

API 1003: Could not find resource timesheetCarousel.


Release : 16.0.1



  1. Flush application caches
  2. Clear caches in browser
  3. Retry

Additional Information

Note: If there is a generic API error: API 1019: Could not process the request due to internal Error review the issue with the browser Developer Tools to find out if there are any HTTP errors shown.