Pending Email Notification did not work in Identity Manager 14.4.1
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Pending Email Notification did not work in Identity Manager 14.4.1


Article ID: 239857


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


In Identity Manager 14.4.1 with or without latest cumulative fix for 14.4.1, Email notification for Pending Approval does not work.

Email Policy is not fired off when Workflow is pending using SingleStepApproval workflow.

"Pending Approval" Email policy has been created so that when the Task falls into In-Progress state pending approval, email is sent out for both the approver and task initiator. However, email was only sent out after the approver approves and Task is completed. 

This problem is not happening in IM 14.3 CP2. In IM 14.3 CP2 when the Task falls into In-Progress state pending approval, the Pending Approval email policy is triggered and email is sent out. 

There is difference with regards to Events being triggered when the task is run between 14.3 CP2 and 14.4.1
    in 14.3 CP2
       - Modify User 
       - Synchronize user (this appears after approval)
    in 14.4.1
       - Modify User
       - Send Email
       - Synchronize user (this appears after approval)
In 14.4.1, when the Task falls into In-Progress state pending approval, both "Modify User" and "Send Email" events are In-Progress state too. The Pending Approval email is only sent out after the approver approves the approval item and the Task is completed. This is unexpected timing sending the email.





Release : 14.4.1

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


This is a known regression in IM 14.4.1.  


Apply 14.4 Cp2 for resolution.