The Project Health On Tile Is Not Showing The Latest Status Report Overall Status
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The Project Health On Tile Is Not Showing The Latest Status Report Overall Status


Article ID: 239846


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The project health on tile is not showing the latest status report overall status.


On Status Report Module

1) Fill in all the details for a new status report that will change the Status from On Track to Needs Help
2) After you fill in the Cost and Effort, click on either Conversations or Tasks right after you enter the values in the last field – Make sure the cursor is still in that last field you edited.
3) Then click back on the Status Report
4) You will see the latest one is the one you created with the right Overall Status

Expected Result:  The status on the project banner also changes to match.

Actual Result:  The status on the project banner keeps the previous result.


Release : 16.0.1



This is reported as DE64317 and is resolved in 16.0.3