Resolving DB01402W messages in the Datacom MUF log
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Resolving DB01402W messages in the Datacom MUF log


Article ID: 239819


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Datacom Datacom/AD


These messages are displayed in the Datacom MUF log:

DB01402W - AREA JOB00770 NEEDS EXTEND, 0000030 VS 0000060
DB01402W - AREA HIL00770 NEEDS EXTEND, 0000045 VS 0000090

What does this mean, because the HIL770 file is allocated at 6 cylinders and currently using 3, and the JOB770 file is allocated at 4 cylinders and using 2 cylinders.

How do I fix this?


Component : Datacom/AD

Component : Datacom/DB


A Datacom database file was extended or resized outside of Datacom utilities, and Datacom has not initialized the additional space.


The DB01402 message means that when we opened the file for a data area (HIL or JOB), we compared what the CXX shows (45 trk for HIL, 30 for JOB) with what the catalog has allocated (90 trk for HIL, and 60 for JOB) to make sure the CXX (which is called the database catalog) is correct. In this case, these two areas did not match, and they are "W" messages because the files are intact and usable, just at the smaller sizes listed.

This happens when something adjusts the size of the file outside of Datacom control. The process at a high level is that you allocate a file, and then tell Datacom to initialize what has been allocated to make it ready for use. If you later do something outside of Datacom to make the file larger, that additional space is not initialized and therefore is not able to be used by Datacom. There is a facility within DBUTLTY that can extend database area files, and in the case with CA 7, the database files are set up to be dynamically extended if they ever reach 100 percent full, provided the files are less than 16 extents and the volumes have space.

So now the question is, "How do we fix this?" The answer is quite simple and can be done while the MUF and database are open and applications are running.

The first and easiest method is to issue these commands from the console:

/F <yourMUFname>,DYNAMIC_EXTEND 770,JOB,30,TRK
/F <yourMUFname>,DYNAMIC_EXTEND 770,HIL,45,TRK

If you would rather run this in a batch DBUTLTY job, you can use the AD15CXXR member in the INSTJCL PDS for Datacom, with this input:

//SYSIN    DD  *

Either of these methods will synchronize the MUF/CXX with the z/OS catalog. You will see the results in the MUF log afterward, and you should also see the change in a CXX report.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.