The 2 PROD instances are RS1 and RW1.
Similar cross instance dependencies are working between RS1 and RW2/RW3.
Here are the errors in the event_demon log.
It is a side by side comparison of RS1<->RW1 and RS1<->RW2.
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: FORCE_STARTJOB JOB: my_test_box
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: my_test_box MACHINE:
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_40256 [Sending event <RS10009d1k00>: CHANGE_STATUS to RUNNING for Job: my_test_box to external instance <RW1>]
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_E_10002 Unable to retrieve connection information for instance <RW1>.
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_E_40257 External instance <RW1> is invalid or unreachable over the network.
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_40256 [Sending event <RS10009d1k00>: CHANGE_STATUS to RUNNING for Job: my_test_box to external instance <RW2>]
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_10066 Event <RS10009d1k00> successfully sent to external instance <RW2>
[04/12/22 09:45:08] CAUAJM_I_10582 [initiated evaluation for box my_test_box 124.26399.1]
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: my_test_box
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_I_40256 [Sending event <RS10009d1l00>: CHANGE_STATUS to SUCCESS for Job: my_test_box to external instance <RW1>]
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_E_10002 Unable to retrieve connection information for instance <RW1>.
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_E_40257 External instance <RW1> is invalid or unreachable over the network.
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_I_40256 [Sending event <RS10009d1l00>: CHANGE_STATUS to SUCCESS for Job: my_test_box to external instance <RW2>]
[04/12/22 09:45:09] CAUAJM_I_10066 Event <RS10009d1l00> successfully sent to external instance <RW2>
[04/12/22 09:45:10] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: my_test_RS1_RW2^RW2
[04/12/22 09:45:10] <Job my_test_RS1_RW2 127.4414.1 entered RUNNING>
[04/12/22 09:45:11] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: my_test_RS1_RW2^RW2
[04/12/22 09:45:11] <Job my_test_RS1_RW2 127.4414.1 entered SUCCESS>
Release : 11.3.6
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
Delete and redefine the xinst definitions in the autosys instances via jil.
Restart the scheduler.
Also confirm the xport values are correctly / consistently configured on all AutoSys machines regarding their csamconfigedit settings.
$CSAM_SOCKADAPTER/bin/csamconfigedit display
$CSAM_SOCKADAPTER/bin/csamconfigedit port=<> display