Unexplained security error between WCC and EEM
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Unexplained security error between WCC and EEM


Article ID: 239769


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Autosys Workload Automation


A user is attempting to issue a command against a job in WCC and is being denied due to no security policy allowing access.  However, the job name being access and the resource name being denied do not match.


The error messages in the QuickView tab are as follows:

Error: E132004 Error occurred while sending On Hold event to my_weekly_job


   CAUAJM_W_10419 Job Execute Access Denied!

   CAUAJM_W_10439 No polices granting access to resource.

   CAUAJM_W_10440 Class: as-job Resource: ACE.weekly_box User: myuser Access: execute

   CAUAJM_W_10442 Time: 1650303306 Delegator: None




Workload AutomationAE


  • The my_weekly_job is a job inside of the weekly_box.
  • The owner of the my_weekly_job had execute access in the as-job policy, but the owner did not have execute access in the as-job policy for the weekly_box.
  • Log into WorkloadAutomationAE application in EEM and update the as-job policy to grant execute permission for the weekly_box.