Identity Manager 14.4 Multi DB Installer error
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Identity Manager 14.4 Multi DB Installer error


Article ID: 239742


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CA Identity Manager


I am trying to set up Identity Manager 14.4 on Wildfly 15.x using Multi DN Installer, i.e. I want to have separate databases for object store, task persistence, audit, archive, reporting and workflow.

The Multi DB Installer should configure everything for me, as described in

However, when I tried to run "MultiDBInstaller/ca-im-multiDataBase-linux.bin" after installation of Identity Manager 14.4, the following errors were logged in the log file "/opt/CA/IdentityManager/IM Multi Database/IM Multi Database/Logs/IM_Multi_Database_Install_04_11_2022_21_09_42.log":

Custom Action:            com.netegrity.brlib.multidb.JSafeToolsEncryptTextIAWrapper
                          Status: ERROR
                          Additional Notes: ERROR -     class com.netegrity.brlib.multidb.JSafeToolsEncryptTextIAWrapper.install() Unexpected Fatal Error:

And in the "standalone-full.xml" file, the password value is set to "false" instead of a proper encrypted value:

<security-domain name="iam_im-imarchivedb">
  <login-module code="com.netegrity.jboss.datasource.PicketBoxPasswordEncryptedLogin" flag="required" module="">
   <module-option name="userName" value="###"/>
   <module-option name="password" value="###"/>
   <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:name=iam/im/jdbc/jdbc/archive,service=###"/>



Release : 14.4

Component : Identity Manager


This is a regression in the Multi DB Installer 14.4 (defect no. DE499907)

It was fixed in 14.4.1:

Hot fix for IM 14.4 is available. Please contact Broadcom support to get it.

As a workaround it is possible to modify the xml file manually and put encrypted values in there.
Use IM password tool to encrypt the password.
By default on Windows it's located in C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\PasswordTool, and on Linux it's located in /opt/CA/IdentityManager/IAM_Suite/IdentityManager/tools/PasswordTool/

pwdtools.bat -JSAFE -p <Password in clear>

./ -JSAFE -p <Password in clear>