Configuring a vendor issued or custom SSL certificate for WebUI/WCC, Autosys Web Server (AEWS), CA Directory (dxserver) and EEM (iGateway)
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Configuring a vendor issued or custom SSL certificate for WebUI/WCC, Autosys Web Server (AEWS), CA Directory (dxserver) and EEM (iGateway)


Article ID: 239585


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


This document offers steps for a vendor or custom SSL certificate for WCC, Autosys Web Server (AEWS), EEM (iGateway) and CA Directory (dxserver).

NOTE: This assumes that all components are installed on the same machine.


Starting with the WCC .keystore.

#1 Change Directory to wcc,  as root user 
cd /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/data/config

#2 Backup existing keystore
cp -p .keystore .keystore_bkp1

# below are not needed but might help to set JAVA_HOME and PATH to have Autosys Java stuff:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/jre; export JAVA_HOME

which keytool


set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\CA\WorkloadAutomationAE\jre"


#Note: If Autosys installation Drive is not C: drive,   change the drive to that drive in the command prompt,  example:    D:        <hit enter>  to change to that drive



#3 List out what currently exists in the keystore
keytool -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -list -v 

  Keystore type: jks
  Keystore provider: SUN

  Your keystore contains 1 entry

  Alias name: tomcat
  Creation date: Jul 14, 2020
  Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
  Certificate chain length: 1
  Serial number: 5b0d8902
  Valid from: Tue Jul 14 16:45:56 EDT 2020 until: Sun Jul 14 16:45:56 EDT 2030
  Certificate fingerprints:
     MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
     SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
     SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
  Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
  Subject Public Key Algorithm: 1024-bit RSA key
  Version: 3


  #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  SubjectKeyIdentifier [
  KeyIdentifier [
  0000: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX  >....x..>
  0010: 90 D3 E2 4A                                        ...J


#4 delete reference to existing private key
keytool -delete -alias tomcat -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit

#5 Ensure the alias got deleted by listing out: 

keytool -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -list -v

Keystore type: jks
  Keystore provider: SUN

  Your keystore contains 0 entries

#6 generate a new private key / Self signed cert.

#6a) make sure the dname and Subject Alternate Name, both have a value. 

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -keysize 2048 -dname -ext -validity 365

#6b) If there are couple of servers under a load balancer, it is preferred to have all the server names and the real URL name to be used too. Take an example where WCC is accessed via as the URL, but there are 2 underlying servers, wcc-server1 and wcc-server2, so, the request should have -ext,, ).

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -keysize 2048 -dname ",O=Some Org Inc,L=San Jose,S=California,C=US" -ext ",," -validity 365

#6c) The above command does not return anything to the console unless there is an error of some sort

#7) list out what exists in the keystore now:

keytool -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -list -v

Keystore type: jks
  Keystore provider: SUN

  Your keystore contains 1 entry

  Alias name: tomcat
  Creation date: Apr 12, 2022
  Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
  Certificate chain length: 1
  Serial number: 439ecd7
  Valid from: Tue Apr 12 12:25:46 EDT 2022 until: Wed Apr 12 12:25:46 EDT 2023
  Certificate fingerprints:
     MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
     SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
     SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
  Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
  Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
  Version: 3


  #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  SubjectAlternativeName [

  #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  SubjectKeyIdentifier [
  KeyIdentifier [
  0000: XX XX XX XX XX XX   .....i?..Ab.,Xh.
  0010: 94 A5 8B 64                                        ...d


#8 Create a Certificate Request (CSR) based off the above private key

#8a) If there are couple of servers under a load balancer, it is preferred to have all the server names and the real URL name to be used too. Take an example where WCC is accessed via as the URL, but there are 2 underlying servers, wcc-server1 and wcc-server2, so, the request should have -ext,, )

keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -file wcc.cert.req.csr -ext

# NOTE: The above command creates a file wcc.cert.req.csr file in the same folder where we are running all the above commands

# NOTE: CSR validation can also be done, copy the contents of wcc.cert.req.csr to a website like:   
It should show correct Common Name and SAN names used in the above command.
If they are not correct, then the Cert Request or CSR request was made incorrectly. Repeat ALL the steps from step1 again.


#9 The result of the above, wcc.cert.req.csr needs to be provided to Cert Authority. 

#10  Certificate Authority provides a response to the above,  usually in the form of a zip file / .p7b file / or individual files (containing the server certificate and root / intermediate certificates)

# NOTE: Order of the certificates preferred for import is, Root  (root.crt) first,  Intermediate (inter.crt) next,  real server certificate  ( at the end.   These files have to be uploaded to /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/data/config  folder 

#11) As we generated CSR using .keystore and alias tomcat with in that, the Reply that Cert Authority sent is only valid for usage in that keystore + alias=tomcat.
So, backup of the keystore 
cp -p .keystore .keystore_before_cert_import


#12) Import Root first

keytool -importcert -alias RootCA -file root.crt -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit
  Owner: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
  Issuer: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
  Valid from: Fri Mar 06 10:58:36 EST 2020 until: Thu Mar 06 11:08:36 EST 2025
  Certificate fingerprints:
     MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
     SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
     SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
  Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
  Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
  Version: 3


  #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  0000: 02 01 00                                           ...

  #2: ObjectId: Criticality=true

  #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  KeyUsage [

  #4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  SubjectKeyIdentifier [
  KeyIdentifier [
  0000: XX XX XX XX XX   ..*.....\.2.....
  0010: 05 C7 40 94                                        ..@.

  Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
  Certificate was added to keystore


#13) Import intermediate Cert, the output maybe slightly different from below command, unless there is an error
keytool -importcert -alias intermediateCA -file inter.crt -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit

#13a) If there are more certificates, example, Issuing certificate etc.,  import them too, we need the full chain and cannot miss any 


#14) Finally, import the server certificate
keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file -alias tomcat -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit

 Certificate reply was installed in keystore

#14a) NOTE:  the above line is a response to the keytool command, indicating that the reply from Certificate Authority was installed properly
#14b) If there are any other messages, that could potentially mean that the import was not correct

#15) list again, tomcat alias should still a PrivateKeyEntry and contains additional certificates because of the import above

keytool -keystore .keystore -storepass changeit -list -v

 Keystore type: jks
 Keystore provider: SUN

 Your keystore contains 2 entries

 Alias name: rootca
 Creation date: Apr 12, 2022
 Entry type: trustedCertEntry

 Owner: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
 Issuer: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
 Valid from: Fri Mar 06 10:58:36 EST 2020 until: Thu Mar 06 11:08:36 EST 2025
 Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
    SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
    SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
 Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
 Version: 3


 #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 0000: 02 01 00                                           ...

 #2: ObjectId: Criticality=true

 #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 KeyUsage [

 #4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 SubjectKeyIdentifier [
 KeyIdentifier [
 0000: XX XX XX XX XX XX   ..*.....\.2.....
 0010: 05 C7 40 94                                        ..@.


 Alias name: tomcat
 Creation date: Apr 12, 2022
 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
 Certificate chain length: 2
 Issuer: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
 Valid from: Tue Apr 12 12:23:14 EDT 2022 until: Thu Apr 11 12:23:14 EDT 2024
 Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
    SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
    SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
 Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
 Version: 3


 #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 0000: 30 0C 30 0A 06 08 2B 06   01 05 05 07 03 01        0.0...+.......

 #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 0000: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -.%+.....7.....
 0010: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   ...s...<.......(
 0020: 6D 83 95 C1 1C 87 ED CA   4D 02 01 64 02 01 06     m.......M..d...

 #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 AuthorityInfoAccess [
    accessMethod: caIssuers
    accessLocation: URIName: ldap:///CN=CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com,CN=AIA,CN=Public%20Key%20Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com?cACertificate?base?objectClass=certificationAuthority

 #4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
 KeyIdentifier [
 0000: XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX  ..*.....\.2.....
 0010: 05 C7 40 94                                        ..@.

 #5: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 CRLDistributionPoints [
   [ URIName: ldap:///CN=CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=Example, DC=com,CN=AIA,CN=Public%20Key%20Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=Example, DC=com?cACertificate?base?objectClass=certificationAuthority]

 #6: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 ExtendedKeyUsages [

 #7: ObjectId: Criticality=true
 KeyUsage [

 #8: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 SubjectAlternativeName [

 #9: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 SubjectKeyIdentifier [
 KeyIdentifier [
 0000: XXXXx XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX  .....i?..Ab.,Xh.
 0010: 94 A5 8B 64                                        ...d

 Owner: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
 Issuer: CN=MyCustomROOT-cert, DC=example, DC=com
 Valid from: Fri Mar 06 10:58:36 EST 2020 until: Thu Mar 06 11:08:36 EST 2025
 Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5:  <###MD5 checksum>
    SHA1: < ### SHA1 Checksum ## >
    SHA256: < ## SHA256 checksum ## >
 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
 Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
 Version: 3


 #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 0000: 02 01 00                                           ...

 #2: ObjectId: Criticality=true

 #3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 KeyUsage [

 #4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
 SubjectKeyIdentifier [
 KeyIdentifier [
 0000:  XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX  ..*.....\.2.....
 0010: 05 C7 40 94                                        ..@.



#15a) NOTE: The imported server certificate somehow does not associate properly to the tomcat alias, as PrivateKeyEntry, the certificate cannot be used by Tomcat. 
Errors maybe a) Alias name tomcat does not identify a key entry,   b)  No private key    


#16) Now this keystore can be used by WCC, restart WCC to see it function. Make sure the .keystore file is read-permitted to the operating system user under which WCC runs


#17) This same keystore can be used for EEM or AEWS too (if these modules are on the same server), if not similar process can be followed and then below steps can help convert the result that is suitable to EEM and AEWS.


#18) for EEM (igateway), we need to convert the .keystore to PKCS12
(This conversion is done in the <WCC_INSTALL>/data/config directory. Moving to the iTechnology directory happens at step #36)

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore .keystore -srcstorepass changeit  -destkeystore .keystore.PKCS12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass changeit

 Importing keystore .keystore to .keytore.PKCS12...
 Entry for alias intermediateca successfully imported.
 Entry for alias rootca successfully imported.
 Entry for alias tomcat successfully imported.
 Import command completed:  3 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

#18a) NOTE: list to make sure it is valid:

keytool -keystore .keystore.PKCS12 -storepass changeit -list -v -storetype PKCS12



#19) for AEWS, the above keystore needs to be converted the .keystore to BCKFS 

#19a) make sure $AUTOSYS is set properly first
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore .keystore -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore .keystore.bcfks -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype BCFKS -deststorepass changeit -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider -providerpath $AUTOSYS/lib/bc-fips.jar

 Importing keystore .keystore to .keytore.bcfks...
 Entry for alias intermediateca successfully imported.
 Entry for alias rootca successfully imported.
 Entry for alias tomcat successfully imported.
 Import command completed:  3 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

#20) list the keystore to make sure

keytool -keystore .keystore.bcfks -storepass changeit -storetype BCFKS -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider  -providerpath $AUTOSYS/lib/bc-fips.jar  -list -v

#20a) This file .keytore.bcfks  can now be used as  $AUTOUSER/webserver/conf/.keystore file for AEWS

cp -p $AUTOUSER/webserver/conf/.keystore $AUTOUSER/webserver/conf/.keystore.bkp

cp -p .keystore.bcfks $AUTOUSER/webserver/conf/.keystore


Restart WCC / Restart AEWS for the above changes to be effective.


#IF the same WCC server also hosts EEM server, then the above keystore can be used for EEM using below steps

#21) Stop iGateway:
 /etc/init.d/igatewayd stop


#22) Stop dxserver
 su - dsa
 dxserver stop all



#23) Backup stuff first, as ROOT

 cp -rp /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory  /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory_backup
 cp -rp /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology  /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology_backup
 cp -rp /opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager /opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager_backup


#24) Step#18 already converted JKS to PKCS12, so no need to do conversion,  list PKCS12, as ROOT
cd /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/data/config
keytool -keystore .keystore.PKCS12 -storepass changeit -list -v -storetype PKCS12


#25) extract the private key,  as changeit is the password for the keystore through out in the above commands, provide changeit as the password for the next 3 commands (including the passphrases for the keys)

 openssl pkcs12 -in .keystore.PKCS12 -nocerts -out encrypted-private.key 

## on newer kernels add -legacy flag to the above command    openssl pkcs12 -in .keystore.PKCS12 -nocerts -out encrypted-private.key -legacy

 ls -al encrypted-private.key
 cat encrypted-private.key


 openssl pkcs12 -in .keystore.PKCS12 -clcerts -nokeys -out server-cert.pem

## on newer kernels add -legacy flag to the above command    openssl pkcs12 -in .keystore.PKCS12 -clcerts -nokeys -out server-cert.pem -legacy

 ls -al server-cert.pem
 cat server-cert.pem

 openssl rsa -in encrypted-private.key -out itechpoz.key
 ls -al itechpoz.key
 cat itechpoz.key


#26) It is OK to see the warning about not being able to copy folders,  folders are not needed
(also make sure to have the intermediate and rootca cert files if they are required in this environment)

cp -p /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/data/config/* /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver

chown dsa /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/*

#26a) NO need to recursively chown in dxserver,  just the few files that were copied from the above step. 
That's why -r is not present.   dxserver/bin/dxadmind  and dxserver/bin/dxserver have a sticky bit and have to be owned by root.
Or else CA Directory won't start. DO NOT change this.


#27) change to dsa user 

 su - dsa


#28) start the steps now
 cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/ssld


#29) list all certs
 dxcertgen listca

# remove the default rootca
# in my case the certnumber was 0
# dxcertgen -r 0 removeca
# dxcertgen -r 1 removeca
# dxcertgen -r 2 removeca

 # list all 
 dxcertgen report


#30) Copy the itechpoz.key to the ssld folder first
 cp -p /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/itechpoz.key /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/ssld/itechpoz.key

#31) Import the server cert now
 dxcertgen -D itechpoz -n /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/server-cert.pem certmerge

Example output from a successful run looks like:

! Loading certificate key from /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/server-cert.pem ...
! Loading private key from /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/ssld/itechpoz.key ...
! Private key matches supplied certificate
! Creating Personality ...



#32) Import root now
 dxcertgen -n /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/root.crt importca

Example output from successful run of the above command:

! Loading certificate from /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/root.crt ...
! Writing certificate to trusted.pem /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/ssld/ ...
Writing root certificate to trusted.pem...



#33) import intermediate
 dxcertgen -n /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/inter.crt importca

Example output from successful run of the above command:

! Loading certificate from /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/inter.crt ...
! Writing certificate to trusted.pem /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/ssld/ ...
Writing root certificate to trusted.pem...


#33a) If there are more certificates, for example, Issuing certificates etc.,  import them too. Full chain is needed and cannot miss any 

34) Start Directory 

dxserver start all

#35) test using openssl verify the correct certificate is in place now

openssl s_client -connect servername:509


#36) as root user now,  copy the keystore.PKCS12  as keystore.p12 into iTechnology folder

 #as root
 cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology
 cp -p /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/data/config/.keystore.PKCS12 keystore.p12
 cp -p igateway.conf igateway.conf.bkp
 vi igateway.conf

 <Connector name="defaultport">


#37) Set certType to p12
Add pr update the below to the <Connector name="defaultport"> section



#38) Set certURI to the .p12 certificate filename
Add pr update the below to the <Connector name="defaultport"> section



#39) Save the file and existing

#39a) run configtool to encrypt the keystore password into igateway.conf 
./ConfigTool -munge -version -comp igateway -conf igateway.conf -tag "TransportReceiver=HTTP;Connector=defaultport;certPW;" -passwd changeit

Example output from successful run from above command:

Operation Successful!!


#40) Start iGateway 
 /etc/init.d/igatewayd start
 #40a) check the EEM URL now and verify the certificate is correct

### Repeat the above on EEM node 2

### Remove and Re-establish EEM HA

### Rengerate Autosys and WCC certs with EEM again -


#41) Restart WCC services 


Additional Information

To troubleshoot SSL certificate errors on the browser, the best approach is to use Chrome -> Developer Tools -> Security tab and look at why the errors are happening.

- Is it because the certificate name is incorrect?
- Subject Alternate Names is missing?
- Older ciphers being used?
- Is it just a self-signed certificate that is showing up?

Below is a link to Keystore explore that lets you use a Graphical tool to review your keystore:

Note: Make sure that if you set a password for the Private Key that it matches the Keystore. These can not be different.