New LMP Key for Top Secret Expires in 4 days
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New LMP Key for Top Secret Expires in 4 days


Article ID: 239584


Updated On:


Top Secret


Yesterday, I have activated the new received LMP key. But during the night, I got a message that the keys expires in a couple of days.
What's wrong ?

22104 08:57:34.97 STC10186 00000281  CAS9115I - Input: PROD(T6) DATE(30APR26) CPU(*SITE*-/#######) 
22104 08:57:34.97 STC10186 00000090  CAS9190I - Product (T6) Key accepted for this CPU 
22105 00:05:10.98          00000090 *CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP key Prod (T6) expires in   
                                     004 days                                   
22105 00:05:10.98          00000290  IEF196I CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP key Prod (T6)
22105 00:05:10.98          00000290  IEF196I expires in 004 days    


Release : 16.0

Component :


A temporary LMP Key which is used for disaster recovery was issued.
Please call Support (1.800.225.5224) and ask for Licensing to obtain a new key for your production system.