Upgrade changes license type for sub-objects
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Upgrade changes license type for sub-objects


Article ID: 239491


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


After upgrading from Clarity 15.9.0/15.9.1 to 16.0.1 there is a sub-object Delete Access Right introduced in the system. The Delete access type is categorized as FULL license type and thus users who were on Restricted licenses earlier are now changed to a Full license. The behavior is not consistent to new sub-object access rights created in 16.0.1.

Here are the steps to recreate the issue:

  1. Open a 15.9.0 or 15.9.1 System
  2. Create a new sub-object 'TEST1' with Idea as master object
  3. Check license type information portlets:
    Rights by license type shows No sub-object delete access rights available in system (License type = View Only)

  4. Create user 'Adam' with following global rights (view only license):
    Idea – View all
    Ideas – Navigate
    Test for Idea – Create

  5. Check License information portlet
    Rights at user level (Shows restricted licence type)

  6. Adam creates a new instance for sub-object TEST1

  7. Check License information portlet (Rights by user)
    Instance level access right for sub-object (TEST1- Edit) consumed after user Adam creates instance of sub-object TEST1.
  8. Upgrade system to 16.0.1

  9. Check License information portlet (without changing any data):
    New sub-object “Delete” and “Delete all” access right is created in the system and users who consumed “View Only” license type now gets FULL licence type.

  10. Create another sub-object for idea example "TEST2" on the same 16.0.1 environment

  11. Check License information portlet again.
    New sub-object gets the expected license  the Delete and Delete All right (View only).


Expected result : License type to remain as VIEW ONLY after upgrade
Actual result: License type changes to FULL after upgrade and not consistent to new license consumed in the system.


SQL query behind the scenes for the License information portlet which fetches the license ids:

SELECT  b.group_code,
FROM    cmn_lic_right_v a,
         cmn_sec_groups_v b,
         cmn_lic_lookup_v c
WHERE   a.group_code = b.group_code
AND     a.id = b.id
AND     c.lookup_code = a.lic_right_type
AND     b.language_code='en'
AND     c.language_code='en'
AND     b.is_active = 1
and b.group_name like ('%TEST%')
order by  b.group_name


Clarity 15.9.0, 15.9.1, 16.0.1, 16.0.2 


This is caused by defect DE64802.


Resolved in 16.0.3 

This also fixes an issue with the Idea and Incident SubObjects & Sub-SubObjects License to the expected Type of 'View Only'.