Deliver - Report stored on View as Origin of SAR
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Deliver - Report stored on View as Origin of SAR


Article ID: 239384


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I am changing our Deliver from PRE-SPOOL to POST-SPOOL. 

The Deliver PRE-SPOOL reports both showed up in the VIEW database with the JOBname. 

Running Deliver as POST-SPOOL, a report (with an Origin of EXP) still has the JOBname, but another report (with an Origin of SAR) has the Deliver started task name. 

Is there a way to get the Orig SAR reports stored with their original JOBname?      

My main concern are the reports collected and stored as UNDEF.  How do I find the JOBname that created them so I can build a Deliver definition?  


Release : 14.0

Component :


When a report is collected by the View SARSTC task, it is given an Origin value of SAR. 

Usually, it is given the Jobname for a Sysout ID, if other criteria are not met (like WRITER). 

A report is given a name of UNDEF if it is processed by Deliver, meets the Jobname criteria, but matches nothing else in the "Reports for Job" definitions. 

If the report is stored in View, the Jobname that created the report will be noted there in the Jobname field.