Resource Calendar exceptions are mentioned in the XOG output of a resource xml and it would look like below
<Calendar baseCalendar="Standard" resetCalendar="false">
<Day isWorkDay="true" start="2022-04-14">
<Shift finish="12:30:00" start="08:00:00"/>
<Shift finish="15:00:00" start="13:00:00"/>
<Day isWorkDay="false" start="2022-04-15"/>
<Day isWorkDay="false" start="2022-04-19"/>
<Day isWorkDay="true" start="2022-04-20">
<Shift finish="12:00:00" start="09:00:00"/>
<Shift finish="17:00:00" start="14:00:00"/>
The requirement is to remove the exception on date 2022-04-14 to match with the Base Calendar using XOG.
In short, we are trying to perform the same action using XOG what Reset to Base button would do from the Resource - Calendar tab in the application.
The below XML snippet would do a Reset to Base for date 2022-04-14
<Calendar baseCalendar="Standard" resetCalendar="true">
<Day isWorkDay="true" start="2022-04-14">
<Day isWorkDay="false" start="2022-04-15"/>
<Day isWorkDay="false" start="2022-04-19"/>
<Day isWorkDay="true" start="2022-04-20">
<Shift finish="12:00:00" start="09:00:00"/>
<Shift finish="17:00:00" start="14:00:00"/>
The changes made are,
resetCalendar="true" -- This was false in the first snippet
<Shift finish="12:30:00" start="08:00:00"/>
<Shift finish="15:00:00" start="13:00:00"/>
</Shifts> -- These 4 shift lines are removed