During upload of software package files console displays "An error has occurred during uploading files to server. Check server logs for details."
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During upload of software package files console displays "An error has occurred during uploading files to server. Check server logs for details."


Article ID: 239342


Updated On:


Software Management Solution


During upload of software package files console displays: "An error has occurred during uploading files to server. Check server logs for details."

Server logs shows: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

We checked Computer Management for 'Open Files' but none were listed. Windows Event Viewer gave no clues


The cause in at least one instance of this issue was antivirus blocking the upload. We found that during the upload AV would scan the file effectively keeping it open while SMP was attempting to import


Disable antivirus or set appropriate exclusions for the source and destination of the Software product upload.