Can you connect multiple versions of iDash connect to the same JFM
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Can you connect multiple versions of iDash connect to the same JFM


Article ID: 239302


Updated On:


iDash Workload Automation


Is it also possible to connect the new iDash server to JFM and have the data sent to two iDash versions?


Release : 12.1

Component :


As long as you are not running off of the same DB, this should be fine. We have test with multiple iDash instances and versions subscribing to events from a single CA 7 Server for iDash.

The problem is with multiple iDash instances using the same DB, with more than one of them thinking they are the primary server. 

Assuming that these new machines would get the data copied over from the current DBs? If this is the case then you will need to make sure things like the hostnames are updated in the new DBs to reflect the new machines. Also make sure you are configuring the JFM targets correctly in the idash.conf files on the new machines.


Side note: There is some theoretical upper limit on performance for a number of iDash event subscriptions than can be serviced by a single Server for iDash, but it's higher than we ever hit in testing, and we had 10+ at one time with Logger as the event source, it would be even higher than it would have been with ENF, which is when we had the 10+