Unable to see report in Identity Portal
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Unable to see report in Identity Portal


Article ID: 239301


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Portal


We have IP14.4CP1 deployed on Windows2016. We are trying to browse reports from IP and we get error Error Message:

There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 87894202-5065-xxxx-xxxx-4cd0a230cd6f)

The logs shows the following:

2022-03-30 14:07:33,690 DEBUG [ims.ui.ConsolePageFilter] (default task-18) exit=/iam/im/xx/xxx/portal/reports/url/<name of the report>
2022-03-30 14:07:35,157 ERROR [com.ca.ims.jasperreporting.JasperUtils] (default task-18) Could not able to update the ds. Exception details are com.ca.ims.jasperreporting.JasperException: Update of datasource was not successful
2022-03-30 14:07:35,157 ERROR [com.ca.ims.jasperreporting.JasperUtils] (default task-18) Error in JasperUtils.updateCurrentDS() {"message":"Access is denied","errorCode":"access.denied"}
2022-03-30 14:07:35,157 ERROR [com.netegrity.webapp.page.reporting.pages.JasperReportTabPage] (default task-18) Ignoring the exception on update datasource com.ca.ims.jasperreporting.JasperException: Update of datasource was not successful and moving on 


Incorrect reporting configuration.


There was an extra "/" in the report server URL in the report server connection screen.