Issue uninstalling and installing Agent still reference to old version
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Issue uninstalling and installing Agent still reference to old version


Article ID: 239272


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)



    We're trying to uninstall an agent and install it again but are facing issues.

     Below is details of the commands run and folder structure, after the uninstall we could see some folders still existing and after the fresh install could still see the old version of the agent

     We've also noticed the agent is stating uninstall v6.6, but this doesn't match with the version ?

bash-4.2$ ./uninstall
testing JVM in /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent/jre ...
Are you sure you want to completely remove Release Automation Agent and all of its components?
Yes [y, Enter], No [n]: y

Failed to remove agent startup script from runlevels. Needs to be removed manually.

Delete files that were generated during the agent work life
Uninstalling Release Automation Agent 6.6.0.b9640 ...
Apr 08, 2022 2:02:39 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 run
INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home.
Finishing uninstallation ...
bash-4.2$ ./ -q -Vsys.installationDir=/opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent -Vnolio.nimi.port=6600 -Vinstall.service.lsa$Boolean=true -Vnolio.nimi.secured$Boolean=true -Vnolio.execution.port=6600 -Vnolio.hiddenport$Boolean=false -Vsys.programGroupDisabled$Boolean=false -Vsys.component.336$Boolean=true -Vsys.programGroupName=Nolio -Vsys.programGroupAllUsers$Boolean=true -Vsys.languageId=en
Unpacking JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
Apr 08, 2022 2:03:40 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 run
INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home.
The installation directory has been set to /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent.
Extracting files ...
Finishing installation ...

-bash-4.2$ cat /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent/conf/version
#Mon, 06 Jul 2015 11:34:33 -0400

date=2015/07/06 11\:34


Release : 6.6

Component : CA Release Automation Core


  • The below is not an error but a message, as the only user has access to remove a service from run-level is either root or the one belonging to root group.

Failed to remove agent startup script from runlevels. Needs to be removed manually.

  • New install shows old version

During cause analysis it was observed that for some irregularities there are more than one directory with same name on Linux OS which doesn't look right. A new installation in the same directory is referencing to old incorrect conf/version file



  • Failed to remove agent startup script from runlevels. Needs to be removed manually.

Resolution: Login as root and remove the agent service from run-level 

  • New install shows old version

Resolution: Run the command changing the directory where the agent is getting installed

bash-4.2$ ./ -q -Vsys.installationDir=/opt/CA/CARAAgent -Vnolio.nimi.port=6600 -Vinstall.service.lsa$Boolean=true -Vnolio.nimi.secured$Boolean=true -Vnolio.execution.port=6600 -Vnolio.hiddenport$Boolean=false -Vsys.programGroupDisabled$Boolean=false -Vsys.component.336$Boolean=true -Vsys.programGroupName=Nolio -Vsys.programGroupAllUsers$Boolean=true -Vsys.languageId=en